Here I Stand

Here I Stand

Thursday, October 7, 2010


My name is Marshall, and this is who I am. I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for some time now, but I have always ended up second guessing myself. Who would want to read about me? I am not expert enough in pretty much anything to really write about it, and I feel that I don't do anything more extraordinary with my life than anyone else. Those who have encouraged me in this endeavor happen to disagree with me on these points, and I am starting to realize that yes, I do have something to say. I am 27 years old, and a veteran of Iraq. I am now a civilian and a graduate student pursuing my MBA. I am an adventurer, and have traveled the world. I am an investor, a shooter, a drinker, a cigar smoker, and a gambler. I am a reader and a writer. I am an athlete and a fan. I am a connoisseur and a gentleman. I have done and experienced far more out of life than most my age, and I am ready to pursue more. With any luck, I'll be writing about that here, and I hope that you will be along for the ride.

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