Here I Stand

Here I Stand

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Wow, I can't beleive it has been a month since I last posted anything. Thats pretty crazy how fast life (like school, the National Guard, work, and spring break) can get in the way. Anyway, sometime in between then and now, I hit more than 25,000 views. This is pretty big for me. I know some writers get that every couple hours, but I'm pretty psyched that I'm averaging more than 100 hits a day. Thats pretty cool in my mind. Some folks actually care about what I have to say, and that is a good feeling.

Look for more stuff coming in from my facebook and twitter accounts, as well as some more reviews of cigars, drinks, and culture. Now I've just got to find a way to monitize this piece (and no, Google Adsense doesn't wanna play ball) anyone want to buy an ad?