Here I Stand

Here I Stand

Monday, January 16, 2012


So for Christmas / Birthday, I received an Amazon Kindle. It is one of the earlier versions, so there is nothing fancy like a touch screen, or full color, or ability to surf the net or anything like that - just an Ereader, and link to the amazon webpage... That being said, it is still pretty damn cool. I can download books, and read stuff at my leisure, and it keeps my place.

The frustrating part, however, is that I havn't read for pleasure in quite a while. Grad School, a full time job, and the California Army National Guard kinda see to it that I don't get a whole lot of down time. Secondly, even though the prices for Kindle books are typically reduced, they can still get pricey. $10 for a digital book is better than $20 for a hard copy... but it is still $10. For the most part I have used it to download free items - really neat old books that are now Public Domain, to include things like the works of Rudyard Kipling, the Rough Riders, by Theodore Roosevelt, and the like. I have also taken advantage of the PDF reader and downloaded a considerable amount of Military manuals to increase my library. My major issue with this is that it does not allow any interation - like flipping between chapters or things like that - just a page by page flip that might prevent me from using them as a reference as easily as I had hoped. If there is a way around this, or some type of TTP (tactic, technique, or procedure) that someone out there knows and wishes to share, then by all means, inform me. I'm always open to learning new things. I'm also looking for more free PDF's and books to download - even things like weapons manuals, or training aids would work well for me, so please, let me know.

Right now it is mainly being used as a training aid, and I will certainly bring it to drill with me and see if there is a way to get the most out of it, but once things settle down I anticipate getting quite a bit of use out of my new Kindle!

Again, anyone more experienced with it than me, by all means let me know whats up!

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