Here I Stand

Here I Stand

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hiring Heroes - Los Angeles

Mobile blog from the Hiring our Heroes career fair in Los Angeles. Event is being staffed by Blue Star Families volunteers - a 501c3 non-profit run by, and for, military families. The guest speaker today, among a few notable veterans in the business community, is Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge. There is a large, diverse crowd of veterans and military spouses here looking to continue serving their country - wearing suits instead of body armor. To quote a speaker this morning, "Veterans are a civic asset." Will continue to update as the day goes on.
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1 comment:

  1. Definitely interested to see how this turns out. While I question the entire monarchy, I know that William and Harry are true studs. I feel for William that his title precludes service closer to the fight where he no doubt wants to be. SAR is nothing to be dismissed though. It takes some stones to fly those missions. He has my respect as a Man, not just as a Prince.
